Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Mark One Wish for the To-Do Before I'm 50 List

Last night, we saw Celtic Woman. Live. Amazing.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Ever had a time when you could describe something, give vague details but for the life of you could not conjure the one detail that would make a difference? I'm having such a moment right now.

Years ago, when I was an avid reader of Uber Xena fan fiction. (No snickers from the peanut gallery.) I read this story about a widow who hires a landscaper to redo her yard. The widow is in her 40's or so, wealthy and has two college age children, the landscaper is in her 20's and lives with a guy friend. After awhile the two fall in love and begin having an affair which ultimately leads to the landscaper moving in. Now I remember all that, even the fact that the landscaper has a nipple ring, the widow has a dog and the widow's daughter develops a crush on the landscaper but I can't remember who wrote it or the title. ARGH!

Ring any bells with anyone?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Banning Harry Potter

Those in Georgia will be familiar with the news story circulating about the mother requesting Harry Potter be banned from her local school system because she believes it promotes witchcraft. After being denied twice, she still may pursue her quest. Read about it on the First Amendment Center's website.

Instead of fighting, this woman and people like her need a reality check. Now I refuse to get into the debate of whether or not Harry Potter is promoting witchcraft which for the record I do not believe. The reality check I am referring to is this - just because YOU don't like a book, doesn't mean YOU get to decide whether or not I or MY child reads the book.

That's my two cents.